
Robert Stacy McCain and the Fall of the Conservative Movement

339 10:15:04 am PDT

Charles -
It is obvious that all that’s going on right now, people turning against you and LGF - is extremely frustrating for you. I just can’t imagine. It’s just as frustrating to many of those of us left here.

I see what’s written at other places, and I’m amazed at what I see people writing and saying. I don’t know where their heads are, or how certain ones could have gotten to where they are now from where they appeared to be when they were here.

The process of thinking some things through is not as quickly or easily done for many of us (well, for me anyhow) as for you. The posts and discussions here are most helpful - there are actual discussions here! Not just people repeating the same stale snark for each other’s amusement.

You have my respect and support (and the same from many others as well).