
Sunday Night Jam: Bob Schneider's Lonelyland, Saxon Pub Residency 12/15/14

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/28/2014 7:35:06 pm PST

Speaking of CCJ’s crack publishing skills, his site has a screenshot of a photo of a newspaper clipping of an open letter printed in 1986 in the Columbia University Spectator. He was crowing that de Blasio had signed the letter opposing the Star Wars defense initiative.

Well, I found the same article at the Spectator website, downloaded the PDF, opened it up in Photoshop, and saved the entire image as a PNG. And here it is:
NYC mayor de Blasio’s name amongst a sea of others

CCJ carefully (haha!) cropped his image to leave off the hundreds of names below the open letter’s text. De Blasio was a grad student at the time, and signing such a letter is really no big deal.

As for de Blasio’s father’s acceptance of appeasement, I noted he took part in a college debate on the issue in ‘38. If it were like most academic debates, he could have been arguing a position he did not personally believe in, because that’s how debates work. Only UpChuck would make a stink about a college student’s debate performance from nearly 80 years ago.

Check out both stories at, now with a new look! I’d have liked to copy UpChuck’s site’s layout, but he paid real money ($100) for the WordPress theme he uses. I’m not interested in spending that much money on him.