
Snow Leopard This Week

OldLineTexan8/24/2009 7:24:21 pm PDT

re: #30 MandyManners

I got my first computer somewhere around 1983—IIRC, it was a portable COMPAQ. The keyboard was attached to the CPU/screen with a cord. I could pick up the former and lock it onto the latter. Man, it was heavy. But, it was not as heavy as the printer—that sucker had a daisy-wheel and was louder than a train.

Maybe it wasn’t a COMPAQ. I don’t know. That was 26 years ago.

Someone pass me some Geritol. I’m older than dirt.

If you had a Compaq “Lovable Luggable”, you had one of the most durable PCs ever built. I personally rolled one down three flights of fire escape stairs, and it worked just fine afterward.