
Amazing Solo Bass: Adam Ben Ezra, "Can't Stop Running"

Killgore Trout11/13/2012 4:09:00 pm PST

re: #25 freetoken

If one speaks the truth, will anyone listen?

Geithner Says Higher U.S. Income Taxes Unavoidable

I was just reading up on that….
Might an idea from Mitt Romney save US from ‘fiscal cliff’?

Any cap on deductions would have to be part of a larger deficit-reduction package. It wouldn’t raise nearly enough money to solve the problem by itself. Mr. Obama’s cap by itself would have generated $164 billion over 10 years, points out Suzy Khimm on The Washington Post’s WonkBlog Tuesday. In contrast, allowing the Bush-era tax reductions to expire for those making more than $250,000 would generate a whopping $1 trillion over the same time period.

It may not be the solution but it could be part of the solution.