
Onion Talks: Using Social Media to Cover for Lack of Original Thought

Killgore Trout11/21/2012 6:11:04 pm PST

re: #17 Charles Johnson

And yeah, Hamas is all over the media boasting about their victory - but nobody watching that stuff really believes Hamas won anything.

I think they did pretty well for themselves. Abbas and Fatah are old news. If you wanna talk you gotta talk to Hamas. Egypt is now a power player, free to demonize Israel, tacitly allow the Palestinians rearm and then get credit for brokering a peace deal. Assad’s happy to be out of the headlines for a few weeks and Iran is still boasting about smuggling rockets to Gaza. Lefty sites and talking points are flooded with the conspiracy theory that Israel started this thing because Hamas terrorists were about to act on a secret awesome peace plan.
I think this ends up as win for Hamas.