
Robert Stacy McCain and the Fall of the Conservative Movement

laZardo10/15/2009 10:15:09 am PDT

re: #329 Athos

Why wait - the center / center-right should be already working to return these fringe elements to the fringe where they belong just as William Buckley worked so hard in the ‘60’s to ensure the Birchers were relegated to the outer fringe where they belonged. Many people then fought to keep the Birchers in place in conservativism because of their strident anti-communism - but the odious nature of their other beliefs did far more damage to the conservative cause than their anti-communism. People realized then that communism could be opposed without selling out our core values (by accepting the Birchers), and its beyond time the center and center-right realizes this about the modern day Birchers, Birthers, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, and conspiracy mongers.

Buckley was an unfortunate exemption. The values of the fringe are now the values of the conservative movement in general. Unfortunately they’re trying to co-opt more relevant values today such as fiscal responsibility into that movement as well.