
Why I Left the Right, Exhibit P for Pawlenty

borgcube12/21/2009 4:32:28 pm PST

re: #322 Walter L. Newton

Demands to be read again and again.

Try this folks… stop taking from the feds. The government should be the LAST stop in the handout line. If you need something, get it yourself, legally, but get it yourself. If you are out of work, get rid of that ego and take a lower paying job… don’t run to the ER every time you sneeze… find family, friends and service organizations that can help, but stay away from federal money as much as you can… if you don’t like what’s been going on in Washington… right or left, you know why it’s happening? Because you are letting them run things, pay for things, supply things… you give them the control every time you dip you hand into the public dole.

Just stop it and shut off the one thing they need… your hand out.

Join the ranks of the dinosaurs Walter. What you wrote here used to go without saying by politicians of both parties, average Joes, and even those who were truly in need. Not anymore. Saw your note about getting a job for $9 per hour and being happy about it when you can probably do better on a street corner or by applying for various handouts and actually taking back some of the money you paid into the system. For that, I commend you. Too bad such an attitude is almost extinct nowadays as gimme gimme gimme wussie nation has taken over and is destroying us.