
As Soon as He Returned From Texas, Trump Retweeted a Scam Account's Attack on Hillary Clinton

Decatur Deb9/03/2017 11:30:34 am PDT

re: #342 William Lewis

There are some co-op housing groups in the US that do similar. Doing it without a religion in common is not as easy though the one I almost joined had being mostly old and young hippies in common :) My ex fit that better than me, LOL.

My favorite thing in the Didache is how they warn people against prophets who want money but don’t do any work. From the beginning till today …

re: #336 Teukka

I sometimes semi-seriously toy with starting a community based on a similar ruleset, where you really own very little, but own most of the things in common.

That’s how I grew up, in a nun-run reform school and a Franciscan monastery school. The first 5 years I didn’t own my own underwear—each Friday we drew the next week’s clothes from a freshly-laundered shelf. Those people were true communists. It worked for them then.