
Administering the Occasional Reminder

SanFranciscoZionist7/17/2010 10:01:14 pm PDT

re: #328 WindUpBird

Huckabee frustrates me so much, because he does these cool things, he makes some cool noises, he gave the finger to Club for Growth, I want to like him, and then he goes nuckingfuts on social conservative crap. :(

He’s likable, and he acts, as far as I can tell, in accordance with his own moral compass.

It’s just that he’s a so-con theocrat from hell.

Some of these guys, I figure, they’re just making this stuff up, they don’t really believe it, they’re pandering. Not Huck. He’s a true believer. And a good man, according to his own lights.

I’m sure he’d be a great neighbor. The thought of him as president is awful.