
Video: Thailand, With an iPhone 4S

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/04/2012 2:51:00 am PST

re: #342 Sergey Romanov

Still trying to beat that code?

I don’t actually work directly with code, it’s more an amalgam of a GUI and pseudo code. So, for most things I can work on, I can open and work on them in a visual editor that interprets an underlying XML sheet, or I can open the file as text directly to edit it.

There are a couple of weird idiosyncratic bits, one of them being a database that holds position data for all the pages in the project. If that gets screwed up, then the pages won’t play the right audio/respond in the right way. I had thought I had screwed up that database by deleting and adding pages— something which it doesn’t handle that elegantly, and doesn’t give proper error reports on when it is failing. So I spent hours and hours yesterday changing by hand the 9 digit X/Y coordinate data on that database to match existing assets.

Then I remembered I can just replace the database with the backup I produced at the beginning of the product.
