
The Link - Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor

Salamantis5/19/2009 3:27:06 pm PDT

re: #92 BigDana

I’m not going to call “B.S.” on this — yet — but I will say that this thing looks to be in awfully good shape for something that’s 47 million years old. Just sayin’ I’m old enough to remember Piltdown Man.

This thing’s been meticulously and painstakingly analysed for two solid years by the leading empirical paleontologists in the field. I think they badly wanted to get it right, and in my opinion, they most probably did. Why? Because they know two things:

1) This is a once in a lifetime chance to make their careers if they get it right.

2) This is a once in a lifetime chance to break their careers if they get it wrong.