
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Refuses to Admit She Was Wrong About Founding Fathers

jamesfirecat6/28/2011 11:06:14 am PDT

re: #27 iossarian

OK, “concern trolling” is maybe not the exact phrase for the piece as a whole (though it applies to his “I don’t see a path to election for the other candidates” at the end).

But it’s dishonest. He’s trying to build/support a particular narrative that paints Bachmann as a credible contender, because he wants her to win the primary. A disinterested observer would be unlikely to come up with the same story.

I think the word you’re working for is “puff piece” because “concern trolling” is when you pretend that you’re on someone’s side but are only doing it to deconstruct your argument.

For example: “I support raising taxes on the rich, but I have some concerns about what the economy might be…. “