
Stunning High Resolution Video From the International Space Station: The World Below: Time-Lapse | Earth 2

makeitstop1/06/2019 5:13:11 pm PST

re: #322 Hecuba’s daughter

But how if Trump threatens to veto everything and McConnell refuses to bring any legislation to the floor that doesn’t have Trump’s approval? Or is there a way to bypass McConnell to get legislation considered by the Senate?

The House is a done deal. Pelosi will get whatever she wants passed.

I’m talking about her passing spending bills in the House putting pressure on the Senate. Trump may not give a fuck, but there have to be at least a few senators who are starting to get nervous.

And if spending bills pass both houses and Trump vetoes them, then he completely owns the shutdown. As bad as things look for him now, they could get way worse if he keeps government shut down in defiance of the House and Senate.