
Dan Rather on Reddit: "No One Ever Established the Documents Were Forged"

Birth Control Works2/08/2013 6:47:34 pm PST

re: #347 klys

Apologies. I can try to summarize.

Rebecca Watson was the speaker at a conference where she spoke about sexualization of women in the community. Later that evening, she was at the bar chatting with folks when she wrapped it up and headed to bed. Someone who had been hanging around the edges of the group followed her into the elevator and asked her out for coffee. She later related the incident in a video and said, “Hey guys, just an FYI, this made me feel uncomfortable, don’t do it.” and there was a HUGE firestorm that erupted as a result.

So, she is just a little weird?

I kinda got that impression from Dorothy-style braided pig-tails.