
Shock News: Lance Armstrong Cheated Throughout His Career

b_sharp1/18/2013 9:58:08 am PST

re: #345 NJDhockeyfan

More like this but enjoys burning leaves instead of flowers.

Image: magnifying-glasses-used-800x800.jpg

As a kid I used to burn ants and set fires with my magnifying lenses. I also used to start fires with wooden matches or the sulphur scraped from the end.

One day One of my younger brothers and I set fire to small areas of weeds while the other two siblings stomped them out. We got to the back of our fence where there was a large area of weeds, and wanting to test the abilities of our two youngest brothers (6 and 5) Rick and I lit multiple areas of the patch. If Rick and I hadn’t helped them out the fence would have gone up in flames.