
Tigran Hamasyan Is on His Own Incredible Level: "The Grid" (Live)

Dangerman12/31/2021 9:25:43 am PST

went to one of the too big to fail bank websites to dispute a credit card transaction

half way through their system hangs
so i try incognito mode
i get some cryptic ‘PEGA’ message “There has been an issue; please consult your system administrator”

sure this is definitely my problem

so i fire up the windows machine and the same thing happens
i’ve wasted 45 minutes on this

and it’s odd because i disputed another transaction about an hour ago no problem (in incognito mode)

get on the phone and navigate the idiocy until a live person comes on
oh wait, not live, a recording.
‘our systems are being updated so i cant access your account, please call back in two hours’

you couldnt just post that in plain simple english on the website?
i’m a retired half techie - i know what’s going on, but most people?
the confusion. the frustration, the rage…..

it’s a recurring charge (i caught the first charge) to some gamer site.
i don’t game.
and i’m not calling them because i’d have to give them enough info to ID me, and the credit card.

so i guess it’s time for a 2 hour lunch