
Video: Perpetual Ocean

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/05/2012 9:20:57 am PDT

re: #345 Daniel Ballard

Well you certainly have a far more reasonable proposition than those scientists who titled their work “Time To Eat The Dog”. Every creature consumes resources. If we did not have dogs and cats they would exist in the wild anyway.

Exisiting in the wild, in a stable ecosystem, is entirely different than existing inside our unsustainable system, though.

Once we make an honest effort to reduce and recycle, we are past these claims of hypocrisy.

I don’t agree. I also don’t think hypocrisy is some ultimate evil the way a lot of others seem to, though. Most people are hypocritical in a lot of ways. The best thing to do is to recognize it and think about it and see if there’s a way clear to improving the situation, not revolutionary change overnight.