
BNP Leader Griffin: 'Islam is a Cancer Requiring Global Chemotherapy'

Stuart Leviton7/11/2009 12:44:21 pm PDT

re: #65good discussing is about ideas

New Testament is peaceful, for the most part. The Old Testament doesn’t have a whole lot of turn the other cheek.

The line that Judaism is a religion of strict application of law and not one of mercy is incorrect and has always been used in attempt to delegitimatize Judaism. The story line that God was a jealous God but transformed himself into a God of love is the Christian story line. It is not the way Judaism views itself. I wish to be careful to not seem as though I am arguing against Christianity but I do certainly wish to stand up for Judaism.

The concept of love thy neighbor as thyself is at the heart of the Teaching - which is what the word Torah would translate into if concepts in language could be mapped bijectively). Concepts such as “an eye for an eye” have been misinterpreted. In the process the Hebrew bible has been stripped of its value as great literature - and great it is. Essentially the Hebrew bible is like an ancient Dr Benjamin Spock book on how to raise a person so as to be both strong and righteous.
Just to speculate - and admittedly go over the top - Superman of comic strip lore is probably Jewish. He is probably a modern interpretation of Abraham - who story line demonstrates hospitality among other traits.