
New From Olbermann: For Whom Has Trump Made America Great?

Interesting Times8/28/2017 7:05:17 pm PDT

re: #29 The Ghost of a Flea


You have no idea how on-point that metaphor is - just read this gem Sergey/Nyet dug up a few years ago o_O

All “dittoheads” remember the first time they experienced Rush Limbaugh. For conservatives, it was very exciting and extremely pleasurable; the exhilaration of finally hearing someone in the media validate one’s views and beliefs was almost unbearable. For others (leftists if you will, contrary to whatever euphemism they choose to hide behind), it was bitter, painful, and disillusioning; the humiliation of hearing someone in the media skillfully and gleefully slaughter each of one’s sacred cows was equally almost unbearable. I suppose one could say that the experience is somewhat like losing one’s sexual virginity.

Though I wouldn’t have called myself a conservative at the time, and certainly not a Republican, my “deflowering” was a most memorable and pleasant experience.

So…yeah…having their prejudices, bigotries, and petty self-puffing other-blaming validated is quite literally a sexually pleasurable experience.