
Making the case that the 'Stand Your Ground Law' does not shield George Zimmerman from prosecution under Florida law.

The Ghost of a Flea3/24/2012 4:08:36 pm PDT

re: #33

Heh. I’m trying to get a handle on this whole situation.

There is evidence, apparently, that Trayvon did some damage to Zimmerman. But I keep wondering what the hell Zimmerman was doing patrolling his neighborhood with a gun, and leaving his car with it to chase somebody down? Our sheriff’s office tells us to CALL THEM right away if we see anybody suspicious; they have units in this area and can get here quickly, and THEY check ‘em out. And NOBODY here goes out “patrolling” in their cars. We just keep watch on our neighbors’ homes from our own homes.

My experience with Neighborhood Watch is that both the police and the organization tell you not to try and intercede own your own, and to not carry weapons on patrol.

Zimmerman was well outside the NW mandate…and if I recall correctly, wasn’t really a part of that (national) organization anyway. He was just vigilante-ing around with the passive consent of his neighbors.

(Oop. satt beat me to it.)