
Religious Caveman Bryan Fischer Fantasizes About Spankings From God

Killgore Trout1/10/2013 8:06:37 am PST

Liberal activists are finally mobilizing against the “assassination czar”

Advocates are concerned about Brennan’s distressing record on civil liberties from his long career in intelligence under both the Bush and Obama administrations. CAIR, the country’s most prominent Muslim civil society group, and the ACLU, the civil liberties organization, have both already expressed concern about Brennan’s nomination.

But today, two liberal groups are turning up the pressure by mobilizing their members against the nominee. Calling Brennan the “assassination czar” of the Obama administration, CREDO, the increasingly active grassroots mobilizing group fueled by its cell phone business, and Demand Progress, a million-plus member civil rights organization, will begin mobilizing their members later this morning to urge the Senate to reject Brennan’s confirmation as CIA director.

I’m a little surprised reaction has been so subdued. I don’t think this is going to catch on.