
President Man-Baby: "I'm Not a Moron - YOU'RE the Moron"

EPR-radar10/09/2017 6:10:22 pm PDT

re: #360 Blind Frog Belly White

But, you know, it doesn’t really give any context to mass shootings. In fact it robs them of context. The context here is that these mass shootings keep happening and keep getting bigger. That’s the point of ‘largest mass shooting in modern US history’.

I mean, am I supposed to say, “Oh, well, I feel better about Las Vegas, since there are so many worse killings of large groups in our history!”

Wounded Knee wasn’t even the largest massacre of Native Americans by troops and/or settlers. There are MUCH worse massacres than that.

I still retain a capacity to be shocked by the worst parts of our history. The most recent example was the lengthy Wikipedia page on unethical medical experiments in the US. That awful Tuskegee syphilis study is the most notorious, but there were so many others.