
The Video Anthony Watts Doesn't Want You to See

Alberta Oil Peon7/31/2009 11:14:16 pm PDT

re: #296 Sharmuta

I’m pretty sure we can all agree we’d like to be good stewards, yes? The problem is we don’t like the draconian solutions? What are some capitalist and green ways we can deal with energy needs and by-products that will make the most number of people happy while not disrupting our society?

Well, I’m a wellsite geologist in the drilling industry. Most of my work has been on wells targeted for natural gas, and that proportion is likely to increase, as this area has much more gas than conventional oil. And, of the fossil fuels, natural gas has by far the smallest “carbon footprint.”

So, if there is a problem, I’m actually part of the solution, and so are the “evil oil companies” that use my services.

Here’s a hint for you. Read up on this character. He’s the one pulling Al Gore’s puppet strings.