
Ariel Sharon's Son Calls for Genocide in Gaza

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/19/2012 7:26:21 am PST

re: #364 positivecrusader

Absolutely, condemn away! I’m with you. My point is that guys like Gilad Sharon are a dime a dozen in Hamas, including people in positions of real power and decision-making. To me that’s considerably more worrisome. Because access to more advanced weapons in Gaza is only a question of time.

Luckily, your dichotomy is the usual false dichotomy that gets trotted out on occasions like this, and we don’t actually have to choose between being worried at Israel’s swing towards the right with commensurate normalization of this sort of eliminationist rhetoric, and being worried at the genocidal speech and aims of Hamas leadership.