
Video: The Basics of Evolution

Spar Kling4/04/2009 4:53:40 pm PDT

Hmmm. Actually, the “crocaduck” described in the video is a distorted form of the “hopeful monster” branch of the theory of evolution, somewhat related to punctuated equilibrium since that explanation requires relatively rapid change in contrast to classic Darwinism.

I searched for some references to the banana story, but wasn’t able to confirm it from any other source. According to , “The vivid yellow color normally associated with supermarket bananas is in fact a side-effect of the artificial ripening process.” Perhaps the author of the video meant that artificial ripening is also a form of evolution.

Here’s what I found from different source:

Pisang Berangan (AAA) is a popular dessert banana, having good fruit quality, flavour, colour, pulp texture, size and shelf life.
However, it is relatively tall and very susceptible to Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporium f.sp cubense) and freckle disease caused by Cladosporium musae. Consequently, a mutation breeding program was initiated using gamma irradiation to induce genetic variation so that plants could be selected with one or more of the following characteristics: (a) tolerance to Panama disease; (b) short plant stature; and (c) early fruiting and high bunch weight. The present review aims to present the current status of the research, problems encountered, and research strategies.

It will be interesting to see whether this effort is successful—and it might be if the mutation is analogous to those described by Dr. Behe regarding malaria.
