
In Reno, Trump Rushed Off Stage When Crowd Freaks Out Over a Republican With a Sign

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/06/2016 8:42:15 am PST

re: #358 MsJ

And they then lose their farms for inability to pay bills because farming doesn’t work that way. They wouldn’t just be cutting off their noses they’d be slicing off their entire faces.

You don’t understand. Because conservatives have had the only message here for so long, there are many here who view this as an actual war.

War requires sacrifice, and I doubt Chase Manhattan is going to come here with an army to take someone’s farm who is armed.

Briefcase versus shotgun? Only one police officer in the whole county, but several hundred farmers? And this is only one county. There are ninety-three in this state, and this is only one state.

Throughout history, cities have only survived because surrounding farms support them. When the farms revolt or are taken in warfare, the cities starve. Do not think that because this is the XXI Century that somehow ignoring our needs out here in farm country is going to exempt you if rabble-rousing conservatives decide to run Civil War II.