
Trump Recycles His Muslim Ban, but It Doesn't Smell Any Better This Time Around

lawhawk3/07/2017 6:42:35 am PST

re: #364 freetoken

I’m sure there’s posturing there, but Paul’s not the only one who thinks that even this is too much. There’s a bunch of House GOPers who aren’t fans of this approach either.

And like I said, the surcharge is an individual mandate by another name. These fuckers spent years suing over the presence of the individual mandate, and now they include it as a way to make sure people are financially on the hook for getting continuous care.

Never mind that this is more onerous than the ACA individual mandate charges or that this is rank hypocrisy, but it goes to show that the GOP has no intention of helping people gain coverage that’s equivalent to what they have now. They want people to think that they’ve got the appearance of coverage.

That’s also why they’ve back-loaded all the real horrors - like the block grants that decrease over time, so that will force states to cut harshly. It means health care providers like nursing homes will see significant job cuts as they lose a major funding source.

It’s a total cockup, and it’s all on the GOP and Trump. Paul may think he’s blameless in all this, but he’s pushing an even more radical position - a total fuck you to all his constituents.