
Questions Remain in Reuters Photo Cropping Incidents

researchok6/09/2010 2:52:56 pm PDT

Establishing Superman’s immigrant status

Do a quick Google search for the terms “Superman” and “illegal,” and you’ll get hundreds of hits. Almost all of them lead to the same argument. Superman, the symbol of truth, justice and the American way, is an illegal immigrant. As such, he’s breaking the same law as the millions of illegal Mexicans that “evil racist conservatives” allegedly despise.

It may seem ludicrous, as Superman is an alien of the most fictional variety, but for some reason, the claim is catching hold and spreading like wildfire among the left. Some people pose the theory in the hopes that it will elevate the image of illegal immigrants, others just seem to enjoy painting an American icon as a criminal. Whatever the motive, it’s important to note a few facts.

Superman, or Kal-El if you prefer, is NOT an illegal immigrant. He’s a refugee who came to this country due to the decisions of others.