
Video: John Oliver on Trump's Disgraceful Reaction to the #Charlottesville White Supremacist Rally

451_Montag8/14/2017 4:46:49 pm PDT

I’m beginning to feel something has changed.

This self inflicted debacle is demonstrably wrong. He hassles Obama and Hillary about not using the magical anti-terror words. Hits the myth he tells it like it is. He bowed to pressure to make another statement, which hits the myth he is beholden to no one. He sounded petulant and whiney which hits the myth he is a strong leader.

While none of these things are new in the hypocritical world of the Orange Supremacist, what’s new is the cause. As we’ve seen even Nazis are only willing to admit it in a crowd so for a lot of them they are not going to go on TV sticking up for him. The GOP aren’t going to because they’ll look like Nazis so they’ll hang him out. In fact they’ll go all of “we hate the racists” to try and rec!aim their reputations. Nobody who isn’t a racist fuck stick is going to stick up for him.

The end result is that the only people who are going to publicly stand up for him and reinforce the image are real actual Nazis. At best his paid TV fluffers will try, but their reputation is in the shitter anyway.

I’m quite interested in the idea of framing a message correctly. What he has done is masterfully stupid. He has framed this situation as permission for anyone to attack him on it with impudence. And every single time he fights it he bakes in the idea that he is a racist.

ETA spellcheck on a pad sucks