
We Got 'Burn in Hell' Mail!

itellu3times5/03/2009 6:20:57 pm PDT

I read some Antony Flew, a few years ago. He’s a respectable academic philosopher, but nothing remarkable. And there is an awful lot of nonsense going on in the philosophy department these days, more than usual. Nobody pays philosophers much attention anymore, what with hard science and social science and literature and critical theory and whatnot, what’s left for them? So, a lot of philosophers yearn for something to hold onto. Anything. Skepticism is out of style, as philosophy, if it was ever really in. Faith, in God, or in abstruse theories with no consequences or unlikely ones, seem more than usually popular. A lot of atavism, throwbacks to old stuff, seem popular. So, if Prof. Flew has written this book, it’s mildly trendy, I suppose, but that doesn’t make it coherent, much less noteworthy.