
Full Video: Obama's Second Inaugural Speech Draws a Line on Climate Change

Mich-again1/21/2013 11:54:11 am PST

A couple thoughts.. Instead of beating our heads against the wall arguing with climate deniers and trying to convince them that climate change is real, why not just point out that if we work together to reduce wasted consumption of fossil fuels, then we can create a glut in the supply and that will bring the prices down, which would help create economic growth as consumers spend less on fuel.

Americans are driving less miles these days and the fleet is getting more fuel efficient every year so we are making headway, but there is a lot more we can do to keep reducing wasted consumption.

I’m not a big fan of simply cranking up fuel taxes to get people to use less because that tends to shrink economic growth and hurt the companies that need to invest in new efficient capital equipment. We need a strong economy to provide the continuing source of funds to build a modern energy efficient infrastructure. This will take decades.

I’m also not a fan of just saying drill baby drill! because you can not base economic growth on increasing the supply of limited resources. It is pure ignorance to think we can forever grow the economy by increasing the supply of fossil fuels. Drill baby drill is like pinata capitalism. Grab it fast!

The most feasible strategy for the short term is to reduce wasted consumption in a million small ways.