
Economic Failure Endorses Stimulus

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines2/19/2009 3:36:11 pm PST

Speaking of moronic lefties, there is one at Kos who thinks LBJ resigned from office over the failure of his Vietnam policy:

“But by 1968 Johnson the whole thing was a failed cause, which is why he resigned from office, and didn’t even try to run for reelection.”

I also know a lefty who is convinced that LBJ was a Republican and who refuses to even look at evidence to the contrary.

Another new left-media meme is that we were not justified in going to war in 1941 because our territory was not attacked. I heard this one recently from a co-worker who is a complete media kool-aid drinker and therefore an accurate barometer of the trends in what passes for lefty thinking. When I pointed out that Hawaii was part of the US, he responded that it wasn’t a state. Apparently they have raised the bar so high that an enemy must literally attack one of the states itself before we have cause to defend ourselves. Even that would not justify leftist opposition to the current war, since even lefties know that New York is a state, but they are endlessly resourceful in their efforts to conform to media culture and assist our enemies.