
Rep. Matt Gaetz Invited Holocaust Denying White Supremacist Chuck C. Johnson (Who Is NOT ME) to the SOTU

Barefoot Grin1/31/2018 5:34:41 pm PST

I’m on the Andrew Johnson administration in Ron Chernow’s Grant biography and I have to say there are a number of similarities between Johnson and Trump. Johnson got on the Lincoln ticket because he seemed like an anti-plantation Democrat. Once the war was over he wanted nothing more than to snuggle up to the planter class just as Trump seeks acceptance by NYC and Wall St.’s top echelon (though formerly denouncing them). And when southern whites massacred blacks Johnson blamed the freedmen, the victims. Johnson went on a self-aggrandizing tour supposedly to take part in honoring Stephen Douglas in Chicago but instead used it to campaign. And when people booed him saying he lacked dignity he threw it right back: “I have no truck with dignity!” (probably drunk, too). But there were dynamics at play to impeach Johnson. Trump—well, we know that’s not likely.