
Zombie: Anti-Israel Rally in San Francisco

3 wood1/12/2009 1:24:09 pm PST


In market news, the market dropped as expected today.

The Dow was down 1.46%, the S&P was down 2.26%, oil was down to $37.70. Gold also dropped $34.00 and the 10 year bond yield was down 0.09%

The S&P and Dow are back to about where they were a month ago. I think we are in for a series of this. The indexes will go up 5%, then drop 5%. I would not be surprised to see the S&P drop another 10% points or so with all the bad news that will be coming in about profits, sales, jobs and the rest.

But the Messiah is a week away from being sworn in, so prosperity is just around the corner.