
Christian Right Leader George Rekers and the 'Rent Boy'

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/04/2010 4:26:39 pm PDT

re: #361 spare o’lake

I cannot be proven wrong because I only stated a fact. All the rest consists of the straw men and spinning on the part of the resident AGW nazis.

Spare, a half truth is a whole lie. You are being completely dishonest and I realy have no idea the act of lying and distorting the facts is so important to you.

Yes it is true that in april, there is more ice area than there was since april of 2001. The issue comes with the so what do we conclude from that fact part.

You have already said that you consider this anomalous. We have patiently tried to show you the science that proves that is false. You have yet to acknowledge it. Now, you are simply throwing a temper tanturm. Far from being a legitimate challenge to the science - or someone asking honest questions - or someone standing up to the “climate nazis” as you put it, you are simply being a pathetic windbag trying to defend an indefensible and stupid position while being too proud and ignorant himself to see how stupid what he is saying actually is.

So go on bleat on proud sheep.

The evil climate Nazis are suppressing your misrepresentation and dishonest posts with facts… poor poor Spare. Grow up and learn the science. Then you can talk with the grown ups.