
York: 'Everyone Seems a Little Embarrassed'

Boxy_brown2/25/2009 11:14:32 am PST

I thought the only thing more depressing than watching that slick, lying, intelligence insulting socialist grifter who has established a dangerous cult of personality give his (not) state of the Union speech was the republican rebuttal.

Then I looked into the reaction from some of the “conservative” blogs who think that Jindal can do no wrong and wont allow themselves to see any liabilities where they don’t want to see them. The word coming out of the think tanks echo chambers is that it’s him or Palin or some combination of both or they are going to sit on their overstuffed, chewed bubblegum asses on election day again… Which will mean another 4 years of that that slick, lying, intelligence insulting socialist grifter who has established a dangerous cult of personality.

End result is that Boxy is furious with everything.