
Thursday Afternoon Music: Elvis Costello, 'Monkey to Man'

Bagua5/06/2010 6:51:04 pm PDT

re: #362 windsagio

Not sure ‘recent’ is appropriate anymore.

And it is a hoot :p I know what its from.

Why do you care so much tho? (If I may ask)

Yes, recent is relative, and my having grown familiar to your being a fixture here is why I was surprised that you were unfamiliar with my positions.

That sight you link would be the equivalent to posting a link to some Baptist Family Group for facts about the gay lifestyle during a discussion about adoption. It is assumed to be highly biased and essentially propaganda.

As for why I care personally, I don’t mind your asking, though I would also reference many prior posts.

In short, I oppose the EU because it is, on balance, a malign institution that brings more problems than advantages. The situation in Greece is merely the latest example. My core objection to the EU is that it transforms democratic nations into a post-democratic entity in which there is no direct accountability of the leaders to the people. What we end up with is a government of bureaucrats, perhaps no worse than the idiots that get elected, but with less democratic accountability.

The second core objection is the way it has progressed, not by vote, referendum and acquiescence but by dismissal of democratic vote and dishonest political maneuvering. The key example being the EU Constitution, which was voted against in national elections, but was re-branded into the Lisbon Treaty and put into power by fiat.

The third objection is exactly the situation we are witnessing in Greece. It was never going to work in the first place, this was known, the crises were inevitable. However this is key mechanism by which the EU grows in power, called engrenage. Every change has with it the foreknowledge that there will eventually be a crisis. Every crisis is then used as an opportunity to propose a reasonable sounding solution which always involves more Europe, more EU, never less.