
Kellyanne Conway Begs for Money Because Trump Won't Pay Her Salary

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/02/2017 11:04:32 pm PST

re: #377 The Dude Abides

There is a crapton of Trumpistas who would go from tsk-tsking a supposedly ISIS-inspired terrorist attack in California to cheering it on once it’s revealed that it was actually planned and carried out by Trump’s underlings as a false flag operation. Although the odds of something like this happening are minuscule, they’re still non-zero. Hatred of California liberals runs pretty high in a lot of the rural areas in red and purple states.

I don’t know about other red states (or even all of mine). All I got when we got back was “Did you take pictures?” (Yes) “Can I see them? Wow, what was California like?” &c