
President Apologizes for Air Force One Overflight

Guanxi884/28/2009 10:08:04 am PDT

re: #360 Walter L. Newton

Thanks. It’s people like Spartacus50 that is ruining the conservative party. In four years, we’ll have no respect at all. Our political and media leaders on the conservative side will be a bunch of drooling nuts who see the end of the world around every corner.

It’s not going to be pretty.

re: #362 calcajun

Because, on its face, it was an incredibly stupid and insensitive thing to do—even if all the right authorities had been alerted, some people still would have been panicked. No one seemingly thought this through. No one in the administration thought that this might even be a cause for concern. It’s that lack of forethought which is disturbing to me—not some shadowy potentially nefarious motive.

Enough with the “black helicopter” nonsense. That sort of talk only serves to hurt us. Remember, the harder you try, the dumber you look; any talk which attempts to link BHO to some sinister plot against the American people will only backfire on you and the rest of us—so please knock it off.

And yet, we can see that this is happening to the conservative movement as we speak. The left was Jones’d, as it were, for quite some time, and I guess now that the left is in the executive branch, it’s time for some on the Right to wander, half-crazed, on the road to Jonestown.

It’s not too late, people! Turn back, now! The truth is dull, its is depressing, it is mundane and prosaic; come to grips with these stark facts, and realize that Barry isn’t half as great as his boosters think him, nor one-quarter as bad as his detractors (myself included) think him.