
Overnight Open Thread

Jadespring3/23/2010 7:05:41 am PDT

re: #331 HoosierHoops

Great Story!

Since we’re sharing here’s my favourite visiting American story.

So I’m sitting on a chairlift, it’s a big mountain so the ride is about fifteen minutes long. The guy next to me starts chatting, typical small talk, where are you from, enjoying the mountain today yadda yadda. The guy is young maybe young 20s. He from the US somewhere and says it’s his first visit to Canada. He says he really likes it but probably won’t be back. So I ask why?

“Cause you guys won’t let me bring my gun and carry it around.”

So I’m thinking to myself ‘oh boy, this is not a conversation I want to continue when stuck for another 10 mins.’ So I just nod ‘uh huh’ and it’s eyes forward.

He’s not stopping though, ” And yeah so I’m here right now and I have no way to protect myself and I can’t believe how much you guys stifle freedom. Doesn’t it bother you that you can’t carry a gun around?”

“No not really. I don’t typically worry about gunfights while snowboarding. I hope you realize that Canadians do actually have guns. Millions of them actually” (There were three in house I was living in at the time because I lived with some hunters)

“Well sure but you CAN’T CARRY them around! What’s your problem?” He’s starting to get real agitated and worked up and I’m just wishing the chair would go faster.

“Well I don’t personally have a problem cause I personally have no interest in carrying a gun around”

“Well that just shows how stupid and brainwashed you are. Fuckin Canadians, don’t know shit. I bet if I pulled out my gun you’d wish you had one too. But no you guys are just a bunch of wimps.”

So now I’m getting pretty mad and little concerned about this guys stability. For a moment I though this guy must be playing with me, but no he was being serious. I said as calmly as possible, “Fine you have your view I have mine. This conversation is over.” Eyes go forward. Only five more minutes.

He’s not done. “You know our military could wipe your country out if we felt like it. Ha ha” The dude thought this was hysterical for some reason and started making bomb and gun noises.

OMG Freak! 2 more minutes. Get me the hell off of this chair. I’m about ready to shove him off myself. He went on a bit about military stuff, which I just ignored. Finally we reached the top but as we went done the ramp he turned, made a gun gesture with his finger and play acted shooting me. “Just remember that. Ha ha”.

So yeah there’s my favourite visitor story. Of course I in no way consider that an example of all Americans. What a flippin freak though.

Yeesh. I can tell you though I was damn glad that he personally wasn’t allowed to carry his gun around in Canada. :)