
The NRA Publishes Its Enemies List

Ziggy_TARDIS1/28/2013 9:24:42 pm PST

re: #378 Dark_Falcon

Again, if you keep the Ottomans neutral, there would have been no need to worry.

Also, I should point out there would have be a decent chance that, had the Ottomans not fallen, they would have come back from the brink.

Look at the map of the Ottoman Empire circa 1914.

Notice anything, even with that rump territory.

And in regards to my Kosovo and Presevo Valley comment, Serbia gained those through a genocide that wiped out no less than 16% of all Albanians on the planet, and deported an additional quarter million Albanians. They probably had the goal of annihilating the Albanians.

The time has come to recognize this, and force Serbia to recognize Kosovo’s Independence, the concession of the Presevo Valley, and negotiations for those two territories to join Albania.

Use Biden and Albright for this.