
Fox News Finds the Perfect Replacement for Sarah Palin

Kragar2/15/2013 3:02:43 pm PST

Why is The Pope retiring? Glenn has a theory

I think the speculation that this black pope from Africa, they keep holding him up and everybody’s like, “Hey, he’s going to be the next pope,” I think that that is a ruse. I think that’s being done by those Catholics who are also in the Vatican who he’s at war with, holding him ‑‑ holding this guy up and trying to create momentum for him. Because he’s a socialist. He’s a real diehard socialist kind of Marxist guy.

He’s a Marxist through and through, which is not what this Pope is. And that’s who he’s been at war with the whole time. I think that’s a ruse to try to get public sentiment to accept that this Marxist is going to be the next pope. And I think this Pope is out because he stacked the deck.

I’m so happy Glenn has found another black man he can call a socialist.