
Donald Trump Jr. Quietly Unfollows Two Twitter "Alt-Right" Antisemites After Being Exposed

EPR-radar7/06/2016 3:19:58 pm PDT

<re: #362 Testy Toad T

In any case, I don’t think the GOP was made vulnerable to a charlatan like Trump because they are serial over-promisers. I think it’s largely because they made underpants-gnome-like promises without any sort of disclosed mechanism for achievement. “Repeal and replace” isn’t a cogent policy position, it’s a lump of woo-woo. “Punish Wall Street” is an emotion, not a proposal. “Recreate white industrial jobs by isolationism or magic” is a dream, not a plan.

A minimum wage bill, even a very aggressive one, is a specific thing that Congress would pass and a President would sign, and then it would roll into effect based on the provisions contained therein. I don’t see that wanting this to happen, even if it’s very unlikely in our current climate, will make Democratic voters particularly keen to vote for an appleheaded vagina mouth troll baby fifteen years down the road.

The GOP was made vulnerable to Trump because of the disgusting pandering to bigots and cranks that has become SOP for the party ever since the civil rights realignment (i.e., southern strategy).