
Two Parts: Colbert on Ford and Kavanaugh

Eclectic Cyborg9/28/2018 6:23:19 pm PDT

Here’s the thing:

I did some stupid stuff in college.
I did some things I’m not proud of.
Nothing close to rape or sexual assault mind you.
And yes, there were a few times I was so drunk I don’t remember much.
But I fully acknowledge and accept responsibility for these mistakes.
And I know how to deliver a calm and measured response to inquiries about them.

Kavanagh…didn’t even try. Didn’t even fucking pretend. If I treated my boss the way Kavanagh treated the dems in that hearing I’d be pink slipped on Monday.

I am so tired of special sets of rules that protect assholes like this.

I just can’t accept I have to become an asshole to really get anywhere in life.