
Religious Leaders Support Cordoba House, Denounce Growing Anti-Muslim Sentiment

recusancy8/12/2010 3:08:50 pm PDT

re: #379 Aceofwhat?

yes. not “should be allowed” but “could be argued without being a bigot”. keep the goalposts fixed.

the term is currently a nod, at least in the minds of some, towards couples in the tradition of child-producing unions. like i said above.

and don’t think you’re the only one with gay friends, or that i haven’t already had this discussion fifty times with mine. some agree, some disagree, but so far, 0 of them believe that only bigots can be in favor of mirroring the physical differences with a terminological difference.

What about interracial? Those are physical differences. Should they have different terms for the union in which they engage? It comes down to you feeling threatened by sharing the same word with a group you disagree with.