
And Now, a Stunning Animated Version of Hieronymous Bosch's "Garden of Earthly Delights"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/18/2017 9:01:38 am PST

re: #380 Nyet

That’s verbal tap-dancing, as there were barely any Trump voters who were not informed about his rhetoric (which was a plus for the conservative press, so you can’t even say that it wasn’t reported on in the conservative press).

In any case, you also wrote:

IOW you have informed but they still voted for Trump which makes them fascist apologists according to your own logic. Yet you still don’t think they’re evil.

Yup I did write that. Apparently what I was told and what happened were different things (much like predictions of the election in general). One little village trustee cannot overcome the bullshit mountain of our captive media and things like lack-of-access to Internet service, coupled with years of lying from FOX News Channel.