
Overnight Video: NYC Dark

A Mom Anon11/09/2012 7:08:55 am PST

re: #382 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears

I don’t have a ton of stuff on Facebook,I use it to keep up with the kids and grandkids mostly. But I have my wingnut neighbors and sister on my friend list so I catch a fair share of crap they post. Rather than defriend them,I’ve started just posting the facts that blow their lies up. I just post it on my page,they’ll see it in their newsfeed. They then get mysteriously quiet,til the next time,lol. You would think they’d learn. At least research outside of,fox news and wingnut blogs before you post something that makes you look like an idiot. I did end up defriending a lady from the dog park I liked. Until she started in with really nasty stuff about poor and minorities. Buh-bye.