
Heritage Immigration Study Co-Author Penned Articles for White Nationalist Website

KerFuFFler5/09/2013 2:24:27 pm PDT

re: #4 Sol Berdinowitz

Humans are to some extent hard-wired for racism: we evolved socially living in small groups, outsiders, especially those who looked different, were seen as a threat or as competitors for resources.

The issue becomes critical when we look on racial characteristics as a reason for denying people rights or excluding them from the policial process.

I agree that racism is “natural” to some extent but that it can be greatly exacerbated by culture and and familial attitudes.

But I hate it when people think that just because something pops up “naturally” we must accept it. I think racism is kind of like the growth of weeds in a garden——something to be recognized, pulled out and discarded. And then most importantly, vigilance must be maintained because such thoughts or feelings will likely pop up again, just like weeds.