
New From Keith Olbermann: Donald Trump and His Uncanny Resemblance to Horror

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/02/2016 12:02:23 pm PDT

Today in spinning:

Daniel C. Richman, an adviser to Mr. Comey and a Columbia University law professor, argued that despite the backlash, Mr. Comey’s decision to inform Congress preserved the F.B.I.’s independence, which will ultimately benefit the next president.

“Those arguing that the director should have remained silent until the new emails could be reviewed — even if that process lasted, or was delayed, until after the election — give too little thought to the governing that needs to happen after November,” Mr. Richman said. “If the F.B.I. director doesn’t have the credibility to keep Congress from interfering in the bureau’s work and to assure Congress that a matter has been or is being looked into, the new administration will pay a high price.”

a) We can’t preserve our independence unless we cave to pressure from Congress or other actors.
b) The FBI can’t have credibility with a GOP Congress or President unless we assure them we will help them. /smh