
Republican Lunatics Vote Against Rights of Disabled People

Gus12/04/2012 11:06:21 am PST

re: #34 HappyWarrior

Words can’t express how much this pisses me off guys. It’s already a tough enough to live in this world with Asperger’s. It’s even tougher when you have organizations like the Republican party who want to make it that much more difficult by opposing a treaty that would try to make life a bit better for those of us with disabilities. I mean really? This is a treaty that was signed by G.W Bush, supported by Bob Dole, and George H.W Bush’s Attorney General, Dick Thornbaugh. All three men could be described as conservatives but I guess their knowledge of this treaty and its realities isn’t good enough for the majority of the GOP Senate caucus who are batshit insane.

An American delegation under President George W. Bush negotiated and approved the Convention in 2006. The United States signed the treaty in 2009 and submitted it to the U.S. Senate this May for its advice and consent for ratification. The treaty requires no changes to U.S. laws or new appropriations.